What is SSL? Why is SSL Important for Your Website?
If you’ve ever noticed a padlock icon next to a website’s URL or seen “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP,” you’ve witnessed the power of SSL in action. SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is a critical technology that protects sensitive information exchanged...
Difference between SiteLock and SSL? If I have SSL for my website, do I need a SiteLock separately?
SiteLock – is a web security tool that scans your website for malware and vulnerabilities. SiteLock not only detects threats but can also fix problems or security risks it encounters on your web space. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) – indicates the...
Save more than 80% on SSL and real IP!
XeonBD has been offering SSL and real IP solutions to its customers for a long while now. We always recommend our customers to sign up for SSL and real IP, not because that helps our business to grow but for...
Application HostingDrupal HostingHosting ServiceMagento HostingphpPBB HostingReseller Web HostingSecuritySSLWeb HostingWordpress hosting
SSL- the “What” and “Why”
Understanding SSL What is SSL? SSL stands for secure sockets layer and is a form of security for sites that handle sensitive information such as customer names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers. It creates a secure connection between...
How does the shared SSL work?
XeonBD Hosting allows shared business plans to share an SSL certificate on the server. The shared SSL certificate does not use your domain. The server hostname is used in your domains place to allow an SSL connection without purchasing an...
Self-signed SSL Certificate Warnings
Self-signed SSL Certificate Warnings Many customers who are purchasing their first server/trying to entering their cPanel services (webmail/cpanel/whm) using their own domain using https:// with XeonBD are surprised to see a foreboding warning in their browser the first time they...
What SSL Do I Need?
What SSL Do I Need? So you have come to the realization that you need an SSL Certificate. But there are several different types. Which one do you really need? Basic Usage If you only have one site or one...