SpamExperts is a leading company in the professional e-mail security market. Their mission is to secure email worldwide. XeonBD is the only company from Bangladesh who is now partnered with SpamExperts. In order to provide the most secure services to the customers, XeonBD has integrated the SpamExperts solutions on our shared and business servers.
SpamExpert is email filtering solutions allows professional spam filter, email filter service and also protect your account from both incoming and outgoing spam. SpamExpert’s Incoming Email Filtering service protects your network from spam, viruses, ransomware and malware attacks! Outgoing Email Filtering service Safeguards your IT reputation, prevent blacklisting! and Email Archiving service can keep back-up and compliance.
There are two things you will need to do before it is activated SpamExperts.
1. Confirm Your Inbound Mail Route (Where Spam Experts should deliver your email)
When ordered, the system should provision a default mail route that will be used by Spam Experts. We suggest that you review this to ensure the route is correctly set. This can be checked in the Spam Experts web interface under “Edit Routes”. The route should match your domain’s current MX record (before updating in step 2).
2. Update Your Domain’s MX Record
Your domain’s MX record must be updated to point to before the mail will start being filtered. Please allow up to 48 hours for mail to start fully flowing through Spam Experts.
SpamExperts gives you an easy way to get rid of spam
Step 1:
SpamExperts control panel can be opened through cPanel -> Professional Spam Filter option under Mail section.
Step 2:
In this section, you can see the list of all domains.
Step 3:
by clicking Login button of your chosen domain you will be redirected to your SpamExperts control panel Dashboard.
The dashboard is separated in different sections:
- Incoming section
- Outgoing section
- Protection report section
- Email restrictions section
- Whitelist/Blacklist section
- Webinterface users section
- My account section
Step 4:
Incoming section
- Log search
In this subsection, the user can search the logs for a specific incoming e-mail message based on different criteria like the name, the host and the IP of the sender, the name of the recipient, a chosen data range and more. User can also view the log of received, blocked or temporarily rejected emails.
- Spam quarantine
In the Spam quarantine area, all the suspicious messages associated with the current domain are stored. It contains the messages that are permanently blocked by the anti-spam system. The messages’ search is based on the Subject, Sender or Recipient values. The messages can be deleted or released. If they are released they will appear in the recipient’s mail box. The cluster will be trained automatically which messages are legitimate and will release similar ones in the future.
Some other option is available in this section:
- Release and Train – option will deliver the email to the recipient and train it as not spam in SpamExperts system.
- Release – option will release the email from the quarantine and it will only deliver it to the necessary recipient.
- Release and Whitelist – option will deliver the email to the intended recipient and automatically add sender’s email address to Sender Whitelist.
- Remove – option will delete the email from quarantine.
- Remove and Blacklist – option will delete the email and automatically add sender’s email address to Sender Blacklist.
The suspicious messages that are temporary rejected are not included in the quarantine system. Their delivery will be automatically retried by the sending servers.
- Delivery queue
Here the client can find a list with the messages in the delivery queue associated with the corresponding e-mail accounts. The client can see the reason for the messages to stay in the queue and can try to manually force their delivery.
- Domain settings
Here the clients can define the maximum number of bounces per the domain, turn on and off the logging for invalid recipients, define contact details for the domain and set the accessible and inaccessible logging days.
- Domain statistics
This function lists statistics for the domain for a chosen time frame.
- Filter settings
The filter settings allow to enable or disable the mail quarantine. If disabled the messages recognized as suspicious will not be kept on the mail cluster but will be delivered in the mail accounts. You can also add an unsure notation to the suspicious messages. Quarantine and tag thresholds for the notations can be adjusted. The SPF and the maximum line length checks can be skipped.
- Report spam
This section allows to train the spam filter by uploading .eml format files that contain spam.
- Clear callout cache
The information regarding the existing and non-existing recipient e-mail addresses is stored in the callout cache for up to two hours. It can be manually cleared through this web interface.
Step 5:
Outgoing section
- Log search
This subsection allows to search the logs for a specific outgoing e-mail message based on different criteria like the sender, user, recipient, the sender IP, the sender host, a chosen data range and more.
Step 6:
Protection report section
- On-demand domain report
The on-demand report functionality allows to generate a report for a defined period of time and send it to a chosen e-mail account as an HTML document or a PDF file. The report will contain data regarding the detected spam messages and viruses and the temporarily rejected ones.
- Periodic domain report
This option will allow to schedule the sending of protection reports to a chosen recipient daily or weekly.
- Periodic user report
This area allows you do add, edit and delete recipients for the periodic reports.
Step 7:
Email restrictions section
- Blocked extensions
Here more file extensions or certain attachment file types that should be blocked by the spam filter can be added or existing ones can be removed from the list. You can create trusted senders or domains whose messages will never be blocked.
- Email size restriction
The maximum size for the incoming and outgoing messages can be set. The larger e-mails will be rejected.
Step 8:
Whitelist/Blacklist section
- Sender whitelist
In this area hostnames and e-mail addresses can be whitelisted. All the messages that come from the whitelisted senders will not be filtered and will be delivered directly.
- Recipient whitelist
This option allows to whitelist recipients. The corresponding e-mail accounts will receive the messages without being filtered. You can disable spam filtering for one of your email addresses.
- Sender blacklist
Here a list of the senders from which the messages should be rejected can be defined. You can block all mail from certain email addresses and domain names.
- Recipient blacklist
Allows to blacklist recipients’ e-mail addresses to block all mail sent to one of your email addresses. There is also an option to blacklist all the e-mail accounts associated with the corresponding domain.
Step 9:
Webinterface users section
- Manage permissions
The user can enable or disable the management permissions for the current account. You can also manually create new user accounts. The edit option allows you to change a user’s password. Use the “Manage Permissions” link to limit features of the end user’s control panel.
Each of them usually can be accessed via 4 possible HTTP methods:
- GET – method is used for viewing data.
- POST – method is used for new entries creation.
- PUT – method is used for existing entries modification.
- DELETE – method is used for entries deletion.
Step 10:
My account section
- User’s profile
Here the user’s password and the e-mail can be altered.
Protect your emails from spam, virus, malware and lots more by using XeonBD’s Professional Email Filtering and Protection service by SpamExperts.
XeonBD is one of the official partner of SpamExperts from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
For more information on Spam Experts spam filter pricing and features, check out our website at